Sistemi di accredito e rilevazioni


Using a proprietary software allows you to record and credit an almost unlimited number of participants to an event, the combination of technologies such as Rf-ID and Qr-Code within our badges ensures an exceptional speed in detection operations.

For security reasons or to accredit ECM scores, the system is perfect, not only the versatility of the system has no limits but it greatly increases the image of the event by detecting its operation and ensuring its efficiency, so both medical conferences and major events do not have long waiting times during the accreditation procedure.

The brain software of the system has been developed over the years and continues to be thanks to the real needs that many agencies express, the credit placement is very functional and practical as well as contained in the spaces and it proposes to carry out all the secretarial tasks by printing, detecting and to communicating the salient data to the participant via a service monitor.